Parting shots from a depraved presidency

As we just discussed, we have plenty of reasons to not like or respect President Bush. With that in mind, let us introduce a new image, the duck representing a lame duck presidency.  And here are two more reasons to dislike and disrespect this guy:

This past week the administration indicated that it was likely to auction leases to oil companies for land abutting national parks and monuments, particularly in Utah.  Normally the Department of Interior gives a fairly long lead time for comments, but in this instance it was done at the last possible moment, so as to limit opposition.

Also this past week, President Bush indicated to Congress that he would not be opposed to another bailout bill, this one for the auto industry, if the Senate ratified a free trade agreement for Columbia.  Although all of these bailout bills leave a bad taste in my mouth, it’s not clear we have a choice.  But what really offends me is that President Bush is willing to anchor his negotiating position in a manner that may well be the wrong policy for the economy.  Furthermore, there are policy matters relating to Colombia that need to be addressed, such as whether the government is sufficiently stable, and whether we would be importing goods that were profiting the FARC.  These matters are both complex, but they are not inter-related, and so they should be dealt with separately.

Two more reasons to say good riddons to this president.

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